venerdì 9 novembre 2012


Naga is a Brand of associated retailer in Gallarate.
This is a Group born in september 2011 when the Comitato Commercianti Centro were reconstituted with a new board.

The President is Rocco Longobardi that hold the line of the representatives of the various downtown areas.
The new board operate on 3 important directions

Communication they invested a lot on this theme, adopting a denomination that is also a natural widening to the new border of the Urban District Gallarate Shopping and also in the neighborhoods, the initiatives will be divulged to the vast audience with a new site web, with the socials networks, a magazine free press and other promotional activities because their filosofy, round on the search of the maximum share and involvement;

Urban animation: they are planning with the support of Confcommercio - Ascom Gallarate and Malpensa, a calendar of demonstrations and planning events annual, with initiatives that enjoy the development of the commercial net of the District to bring customers toward  shops

Aggregation with the goal to reach a critical mass

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