lunedì 18 novembre 2013

Mapic 2013

Widely positive the experience of Mapic 2013.
Here some pics taken during the event.
In the next days we post the press agency

The technical delegation

 Bruxelles experience is shared by the Manager 

Conference "Retail in the city", Mr Introini speaking

Conference "Retail in the city"

domenica 10 novembre 2013

Gallarate Leading Projects 2013

The evolution of the territorial context brought anyway some elements of potential benefit for Gallarate. The town is actually placed in a strategic position, even more than in the past, as it is situated on the cross point of railway and road arteries (the so called “corridor 5”, above mentioned , the motorway A8 - known as Lakes Motorway - that connects Milan to Varese, the lakes area and the Sempione road) and at the same time in focal position compared to hubs with concentration of request and offer opportunities of several kinds, such as housing, working, entrepreneurial and commercial services: the city of Milan, the Malpensa airport, the new International Fair Center of Rho Pero and Expo 2015 Pavillions.
The peculiarity of the commercial offer of Gallarate is anyway the modernization level. The supply of modern commerce - that means the presence (the supply of sale surface square meters) of medium and large commercial structures in Gallarate compared with the residents - is definitely higher than the provincial and regional average, but also higher than the one of other medium and big townships of the province, including the chief town. In Gallarate there are more than 2000 square meters of modern commerce every 1.000 inhabitants, against 1.300 of Varese and only 425 of Busto Arsizio. 
Gallarate would like to be, today and in the future, this kind of place:
- a town with high life quality standards for its citizens in several aspects (environmental quality, relationship among people, relationship among people and institutions, service and culture offer);
- a town that grows thanks to the fact that the above mentioned standards are attractive both for residents and economic activities;
-  a point of reference as far as commercial and no commercial services are concerned for the surrounding territory;
- a “commercial and cultural salon”.
The context where this vision should be inserted presents a series of elements, previously explained, that should be taken into consideration as they represent potential opportunities or threats that can bear on the positive outcome of the vision development itself, above all referring to the goals on commercial level
During the 2013 edition of Mapic, we try to recover 3 important areas in downtown, with the ambition of create a new way of commerce focused on three very big "boxes" that can became important attractors, to improve the retail mix of the city.

sabato 9 novembre 2013

Press agency for Mapic 2013

Tre giorni di incontri e confronti al Mapic 2013,il maggiore salone dell’immobiliare commerciale


Una presenza sostenuta dalla Camera di Commercio in collaborazione con UniAscom e ConfEsercenti

Quando manca ormai meno di un anno e mezzo al grande evento dell’Esposizione Universale, anche i Distretti del Commercio della provincia di Varese volgono il loro sguardo sulle opportunità che la manifestazione in apertura il 1° maggio 2015 offrirà al nostro territorio. Sarà infatti incentrata su questo tema la presenza della delegazione varesina guidata dalla Camera di Commercio al Mapic 2013, una fra le più importanti rassegne a livello internazionale riservata al mondo dell’immobiliare in ambito commerciale, che si terrà dal 13 al 15 novembre a Cannes. La delegazione sarà rappresentativa dei 6 Distretti Urbani del Commercio e dei 9 Distretti Diffusi del Commercio operativi sul territorio varesino. In particolare, poi, i Distretti Urbani di Varese, Busto Arsizio e Gallarate saranno presenti con una loro rappresentanza: «I contatti avviati durante la rassegna dello scorso anno – sottolinea Renato Scapolan, presidente della Camera di Commercio – si sono già in qualche caso concretizzati. Proprio i riscontri positivi garantiti dalla presenza nelle precedenti edizioni di quest’importante salone ci hanno indotti a rafforzare ulteriormente la partecipazione a un evento che richiama 8.000 operatori da tutto il mondo». Dodici mesi or sono si registrarono infatti una media di 20 contatti per Distretto con operatori di diverse tipologie: retailers, investitori, consulenti del settore immobiliare… «Questa volta punteremo su Expo – riprende Scapolan – quale evento decisivo per lo sviluppo di un territorio come il nostro che, lo ricordo, è il più prossimo all’area di Rho-Pero dove si svolgerà la manifestazione. Abbiamo già fissato degli appuntamenti con soggetti, istituzionali e privati, interessati a considerare Varese quale base strategica per massimizzare gli effetti di quella che sarà la loro presenza all’Esposizione Universale. Del resto, Mapic è un’occasione preziosa per creare partnership, stringere alleanze e stabilire collegamenti duraturi con operatori nazionali e internazionali che possano essere partner dei piani e dei programmi di sviluppo economico-commerciale e di riqualificazione urbana dei centri storici delle nostre città e dell’aree intercomunali inserite nei Distretti Diffusi». Un’occasione resa possibile dal sostegno della Camera di Commercio in collaborazione con UniAscom e ConfEsercenti, segno di una sinergia che dimostra la capacità dell’operare di gruppo a sostegno dello sviluppo economico provinciale. Punto di forza del territorio varesino è la capillarità della distribuzione dei Distretti: sono infatti collocati su gran parte dell’area provinciale, considerando quelli Urbani di Busto Arsizio, tra i pochi a livello europeo che hanno ottenuto una certificazione, Cassano Magnago, Gallarate, Saronno, Tradate e Varese ma anche quelli Diffusi che operano nei diversi altri Comuni interessati da queste forme innovative di organizzazione del commercio di vicinato.

lunedì 4 novembre 2013

Regional Resources 2013/2014

The result of 5° Bando Regione Lombardia (regional resources), Gallarate Shopping District 5° place, Malpensa North Ticino District 12° Place. High quality projects.
Well done!

lunedì 30 settembre 2013


Confcommercio Gallarate Malpensa, is the main partner in the 5 Bid's of the Gallatrate's area.
During the year , a lot of activities are managed with the leading contribute of Confcommercio. 
Here some shot, about the activity of the various District Boards

Presentation of summer events in Gallarate, june 2013
Gallarate Shopping District, Board 
Representatives of category
Malpensa Nord District Board
Castelli Viscontei District, Board
Confcommercio Gallarate Malpensa , Offices
a vocational training course

sabato 28 settembre 2013

Mast Malpensa Street art Festival

Malpensa Street art Festival, was opended with a preview on Gallarate Shopping District
The second edition of this festival connect 3 Business Improvement District : Gallarate Shopping, Castelli Viscontei and Malpensa South.
A lot of street artist, presents their amazing show all around the district.
Here a little gallery

Here the website 

How Does a Smart City Happen?


Cities are not about technology – yet technology can clearly help cities become better places to live, work and play. Technology improves urban efficiency, quality of urban life, as well as the economic, social and environmental attractiveness that makes cities prosper.

Citizens may not care about technology – but they do care about the reliability of the infrastructures they use every day; about the savings they can make by being more resource-efficient in how they use them; about the quality and availability of the public   read more

giovedì 26 settembre 2013

Gallarate smart city

During the next 2 month, the project Gallarate Smart city, based on the NFC tecnology, will be opened to the city dealer: the original project started in Varese about 2 years ago, and after a big success, with 130 point of sales and a lot of users, and now is open to the Gallarate community.
The project, lead by Liuc university, Chamber of Commerce, Urban District Gallarate shopping and Municipality of Gallarate, will open a startup period in collaboration with 30 point of sale, that will be increased in the first month  of 2014
Here the presentation to Naga downtown dealers

sabato 11 maggio 2013

Meeting with Franchising operator

This is the Meeting with Franchising operator, promoted by Varese Chamber of Commerce at Ville Ponti in April 16.
The main Districts of the Province of Varese meet:

Cristina Maria Ferrini – Segretario Generale Confimprese
Emanuele Basile – Assofranchising
Sara Cavaliere – Membro di Presidenza Federazione Italiana Franchising
Workshop about the new strategy of commercial mix, in town centre management, watching to Expo 2015 Milano

An overview on the Naga Events in Gallarate

An overview on the Naga Events in Gallarate, from July to december 2012

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